Month April,2017
Roaring River and my Wilderness Introduction

Roaring River and my Wilderness Introduction


I had never been to the west side of the Sierra before I found that job in Kings Canyon, even though I grew up and lived just 3-4 hours away from the Giant Sequoia groves and the famous national parks that protect them. Like many of my friends I was lucky to be able to visit the east side of the Sierras often over the years, but I never knew what I was missing over on the other side. Of course many people prefer the east side due to its scenic and dramatic beauty, as well as the easy access into the high country it allows. On the west side however, one finds rolling savanna like hills eventually leading to some of the most beautiful groves of large Valley Oaks before the hills get steeper and the oaks start to mix with pines. And eventually as you go up the mountain roads and above 6,000 feet, you reach the mixed conifer forest, the finest forest in the West. Made up of Ponderosa and Geoffrey pines, interspersed with White Firs, Incense Cedars, Black Oaks, Junipers, and in some places, Giant Sequoias. This is where I worked, in the Grant Grove district of Kings Canyon NP. And it was there during that first summer in 2010 when I would go on my first backpacking trip.

I had car camped all over California and Baja up until then, and I had hiked plenty too, but I knew nothing about this other world beyond the day-hike.

US Road Trip on Ilford Hp5 and PanF50

US Road Trip on Ilford Hp5 and PanF50


After I moved from the states to South America I went back at some point to grab some old film gear. Among some gadgets and gear I found a few rolls of film. One of them was a roll of Ilford PanF 50, one of my favorite films. It had been sitting in storage and was way past its expiration date. I took it with us back to the states to shoot some scenes along our trip. And I also stopped by the legendary B&H to pick up some more film for the used Nikon F100 I had just bought.

These images were shot on our trip from Rochester New York towards Dallas Texas.